Lanarkshire Birth Certificate Replacement
This site exists to help you obtain a copy Lanarkshire birth certificate as quickly and as easily as possible.
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Purchase a copy Lanarkshire Birth Certificate Replacement, suitable for both legal and family history uses.
All Lanarkshire birth certificates supplied are full long official copies. The UK birth certificate will normally include full name of the child, mother's name, father's name (when registered), DoB, where born (Lanarkshire) and registration district (Scotland).
Order a Lanarkshire Birth Certificate Replacement
Order a copy replacement birth certificate, suitable for both legal and family history uses. If you have lost your UK birth certificate, or need one for family history purposes, this replacement copy will help you.
Duplicate Birth Certificates are often essential to prove identity when applying for:
Bank accounts
Social Security
Employer ID
Driving licence
Visas and Immigration
N.B. Please note that the Birth Certificate will show the Child and Parents names (This is called The Full Birth Certificate)
What you will get?
You will receive a Lanarkshire Birth Certificate. These are officially known as Certified or Extract Copies, as they are issued based on the original that was stored when the birth originally took place. This does not mean you will receive a photocopy! You will get a newly printed certificate, as good as the original. The only difference is that the date of issue will be different.
What a Lanarkshire birth certificate contains?
A copy birth certificate would contain full name of the child, place of birth (Lanarkshire), date of birth, father's name and occupation (if father was present at the time of birth registration), mother's name, and also mother's maiden name.
Copy of a Lanarkshire Birth Certificate Replacement
All copy birth certificates we supply are fully certified copies which are suitable for all official purposes. Some reasons for obtaining a certificate include an application for copy marriage certificate, applying for an academic course, applying for a passport or a driver's licence. One of the most common reasons is that the original certificate was lost or mislaid.
Birth certificate replacements do not require a signed release or similar for
the order to be processed. Nor does further documentation (e.g. driver's licence or passport) have to produced.
Generally, there will be no special needs for the order to be completed, beyond the initial supplying of information and
Types of birth certificates
There are two types of birth certificates.
The full birth certificate contains all the recorded details provided at the time of registration in the entry of the birth register.
The short birth certificate only gives the child's full name, sex, date and place of birth (Lanarkshire). It does not give the name and particulars of the mother or father, a short birth certificate is issued free of charge when a birth is first registered.
I live outside the UK. Will my Lanarkshire birth certificate be accepted for use outside the UK?
If you are using the birth certificate to get a British Passport, regardless of where you reside, you can use the birth certificate without any legalisation process.
For overseas clients, that need to validate the authenticity of the certificate as having been produced in the UK, we also offer an apostille/legalisation service, whereby an apostille is attached to the reverse of the certificate. We always recommend checking with whoever you are presenting the certificate to, to identify if the apostille stamp is needed.
The Apostille Certificate is normally requested by foreign authorities and organisations so that the certificate can be used for official purposes outside of the UK. This means that the documents have to be legalised correctly before you travel and often within a specific time period.
Legalisation is usually required by foreign authorities before they will allow a UK certificate to be used for official purposes in their country. Apostille Certificates issued in the UK will be accepted but for the following countries they would require further legalisation. Obtain further Legalisation for the Middle East, UAE Legalisation Service, Qatar Legalisation Service or Kuwait Legalisation Service or Egypt Legalisation Service.
Replacement of a lost Lanarkshire birth certificate
The minimum information we will require for a birth record in Lanarkshire is:
- Did the event take place in Lanarkshire?
- Was the person adopted
- Full name at birth
- Year of Birth
- Full name of Mother
We can carry out searches of birth records in the Lanarkshire area for details of births usually for copy birth certificates. Copy birth certificates can only be obtained via the online order form, the certificate would contain the birth details first registered.
Further Information for Lanarkshire records
Registers of births, marriages and deaths
Copies of birth certificates
Copies of marriage certificates
Copies of death certificates
Copies of divorce certificates
Apostille Certificate Service
Family History certificates
Apply via the Post
To apply via the post, write to the following address:
UK Official Records
(Lanarkshire Birth Certificate)
4200 Waterside Centre
B 3 7 7 Y N